Chemistry (10th)
This text is designed to help students develop a solid, basic understanding of anatomy and physiology without an encyclopedic presentation of detail. Great care has been taken to select important concepts and to perfectly describe the anatomy of cells, organs, and organ systems.
This text is designed to help students develop a solid, basic understanding of anatomy and physiology without an encyclopedic presentation of detail. Great care has been taken to select important concepts and to perfectly describe the anatomy of cells, organs, and organ systems. The plan that has been followed for eight editions of this text is to combine clear and accurate descriptions of anatomy with precise explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life. To emphasize the concepts of anatomy and physiology, the authors provide explanations of how the systems respond to aging, changes in physical activity, and disease, with a special focus on homeostasis and the regulatory mechanisms that maintain it. Timely and interesting examples demonstrate the application of knowledge in a clinical context."
Designed for the two-semester general chemistry course, Chang’s best-selling textbook continues to take a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward, clear writing style and proven problem-solving strategies. It continues the tradition of providing a firm foundation in chemical concepts and principles while presenting a broad range of topics in a clear, concise manner.
The new edition of Chemistry continues to strike a balance between theory and application by incorporating real examples and helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity. An integral part of the text is to develop students' problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
A hallmark of the 10th anniversary edition is the integration of many tools designed to inspire both students and instructors. The textbook is a foundation for the unparalleled, effective technology that is integrated throughout. The multimedia package for the new edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional textbook.
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