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Human Anatomy (6th)

90,10 €
18,02 €

Human Anatomy"" by Van De Graaff is designed for the one-semester human anatomy course.


Autor(a): Kent Van de Graaff

N.º Páginas: 840

Human Anatomy"" by Van De Graaff is designed for the one-semester human anatomy course. The new edition contains thoroughly updated coverage throughout the entire text and an enhanced illustration programme. New content includes coverage of the Human Genome Project, RNA and protein synthesis and new discussion of the classification of joints. Over 50 new Cadaver photos have been added to the 6th edition to help illustrate complexity of structural relationships in the body. There is more clinical coverage, including 21 new case scenarios. The clinical practicum feature has been expanded And every body system now has at least 2 clinical practicum boxes.

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