Practical Binocular Vision Assessment: A Practical Guide (1st)
Brimming with sound practical advice and helpful clinical pearls, this book combines a practical work book on binocular vision anomalies with a CD-Rom illustrating various eye movement disorders.
Autor(a): Frank Eperjesi, Michelle M. Rundstrom
N.º Páginas: 112
Brimming with sound practical advice and helpful clinical pearls, this book combines a practical work book on binocular vision anomalies with a CD-Rom illustrating various eye movement disorders. With suggested routines and protocols and a straightforward, 'how-to-do-it' approach, it will appeal to students and practitioners alike. It is an essential purchase for all optometrists, dispensing opticians and trainee orthoptists and junior ophthalmologist.
Offers practical advice in a ""how to"" style.
Provides rapid access to information in a step-by-step format.
Makes learning easier with helpful summaries and Objectives outlined at the beginning of each chapter.
Presents all tests together on side-by-side page spreads, with easy-to-follow routines and protocols.
Includes a companion CD-ROM with video clips of eye movements to further illustrate the conditions discussed in the text.
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